

Stacy Theodossin

Stacy Theodossin, MD Ayurveda, NCMT, E-RYT 200, Reiki Master.  Mom.  
Owner Healing Goddess, LLC since 1999.  

Stacy’s extensive training in Ayurveda and other holistic healing modalities, especially energy healing, along with her abilities as an intuitive/empath healer provides the patient a comprehensive & unique skill set that incorporates seasonal purification & detoxification of the body, mind and spirit. She lovingly combines massage, reflexology, yoga, meditation, chanting , essential oils, seasonal nutrition, energy healing and wraps that all up in her no-nonsense communication and teaching style.

This makes for a one-of- a-kind, transformative healing experience. Stacy recently graduated from Get Gutsy Coach Training School (Spring 2017). Now, in her current role, she provides Ayurvedic Life & Health Coaching in addition to Education & hands-on sessions. She is available to serve you BOTH in-person and on-line. She has expanded her mission & dreams to include healing and transforming lives on a GLOBAL level....One Gorgeous SOUL at a time!


After Stacy graduated from San Diego State University in 1992, she moved to the Detroit area and began her career as a sales engineer.  She traveled the world and climbed the corporate ladder.  But something was missing.  Before long, she was back to her studies – this time in Ayurvedic Medicine.  Her own journey to health and healing, through Ayurveda, had already begun a few years earlier -- when she was a patient with her own chronic health conditions.  

When she had the opportunity to deepen her knowledge, she jumped at the chance.  At first, it was from an academic standpoint.  She couldn’t wrap her mind around how it all worked.  After hours and years of study and residency, she found the answers she sought.   

Then, her mission was clear – she needed to teach others how to HEAL & TRANSFORM their own lives through Ayurveda, the “science of life”

She slowly built a local practice, on a part time basis, while still working her "day job" full time.  In summer of 1999, THE HEALING GODDESS was born and HEALING GODDESS, LLC officially opened its doors FULL TIME.  Stacy’s skills & abilities were much sought after.  By the end of 1999, her business was contracted to provide holistic health care to patients at a local cancer treatment center.

She spent well over 15 years serving the patients, at that local cancer treatment center and several of their satellite centers around metro-Detroit.  She struggled with the decision and ultimately decided to leave in May of 2017.   She wanted to focus all her attention on her private practice & coaching. Stacy’s extensive training in Ayurveda and other holistic healing modalities, especially energy healing, along with her abilities as an intuitive/empathic healer provides the patient a comprehensive & unique skill set that incorporates seasonal purification & detoxification of the body, mind and spirit.  

She lovingly combines massage, reflexology, yoga, meditation, chanting, essential oils, seasonal nutrition & energy healing & wraps that all up in her no-nonsense communication and teaching style.  This makes for a one-of-a-kind, transformative healing experience.  Stacy recently graduated from Get Gutsy Coach Training School (Spring 2017).  Now, in her current role, she includes Ayurvedic Life & Health Coaching in addition to Education & hands-on sessions.  She is available to serve you, at the highest level, BOTH in-person and on-line or video.  She has expanded her mission & dreams to include healing and transforming lives on a GLOBAL level.

Stacy is also a skilled and accomplished light worker and energy healer. She is a Reiki Master, and practices Karuna Ki, Qi Gong, and Johrei.  All in addition to the chakra healing and energy balancing she incorporates into her Ayurvedic sessions.  She also incorporates energy work into her hands-on sessions & video sessions as well as providing education for those that want to learn these ancient healing techniques.

Creating content allows me share my DEEP passion, knowledge & personal experience of Ayurveda while guiding YOU on a truly life altering & healing journey.   A journey that begins deep within your cells & radiates outward beyond all etheric bodies. Always seeking....... Balance * Harmony * Peace within Body. Mind. Spirit. 


Get in touch

Start your healing journey today!

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"Living in harmony with mother nature.  Her rhythms. Her gifts.  Her energy.  The primordial energy.  We become reacquainted with the natural world. We honor and care for ourselves in each of the different seasons -- in nature as well as in life."

Shanti, Stacy “The Healing Goddess”

"My vibe attracts my tribe.  What’s my vibe?  My vibe is the universal God/GODDESS energy of pure love, light, non-judgement & DEEP healing.  I am The Healing Goddess.  Who’s in my tribe?  My tribe is filled with those broken and bruised souls who NEED to be loved & accepted & held in the light… until they can learn to become fighters, who are able to do the work necessary to heal themselves.  




“If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you.” – Les Brown